10 fundamentals of spiritual life (Sanatana dharma)

1. Life without violence. Man did not give life to the Planet and all living beings, and it is not for him to take this life, aggravating the evolution of the universe, as well as accumulating and forming the negative general karma of the planet, as a result of which everyone will suffer.

2. The destruction of false ego, lies and self-deception in yourself.
By lying, a person creates his energy, which will make him see the world around him in an illusion. A false ego leads a person to certain death.

3. Stop stealing someone else's. Every thing is permeated with the energy of the owner, and by stealing someone's thing, a person undeservedly appropriated part of this energy. According to the law of conservation of energy, it must be replenished. And then the one who stole will suffer to compensate for the energy balance.

4. Reasonable self-sufficiency and satisfaction with the present.
In order for a thing to appear, it is necessary to spend a certain amount of vital energy. There may not be enough energy for family and spiritual development. The more things we accumulate, the more energy will be spent on keeping them close to us. You need to live simply and have the most necessary things: the space of life on earth (house), food, clothes, a means of transportation. In nature, every creature is provided with all the conditions for a full life

5. Abstinence from the energies of passion and ignorance. In order to raise your energy and direct it for the benefit of society, it is necessary to control sexual energy. The more a person is attached to taste, the more energy he spends on getting pleasure from food. It is better to spend energy on serving and helping people, developing goodness.

6. To purify and preserve the purity of the spirit, soul and body. Make efforts to maintain peace of mind, awareness, simplicity and love. Proper plant nutrition. To live in love with oneself and society. Develop the desire for absolute consciousness.

7. Knowledge, dedication and discipline. Study great spiritual people and ancient scriptures. They contain the truth of the universe and the wisdom of cultures that have reached a high and harmonious level of development. Acceptance of spiritual authorities, direct guidance. Faith in the methods received from teachers and diligent practice of them throughout life until Liberation is achieved. Bringing the whole life in line with the practice of the path. Showing patience limiting yourself in unnecessary things. Strong-willed and persistent spiritual work on oneself allows you to accumulate energy for development. Changing the energies in the body changes the work of consciousness, and the work of consciousness affects the accumulation of energy in the body.

8. To be here and now in every moment of your life.
There is only you and the universe. This moment is like a pause between inhaling and exhaling, there is everything and nothing at the same time. You are here and now, time has stopped and you have nowhere to hurry, but there is no way back. Only calmness, love, grace and full confidence that you are here and now will allow you to experience one of the states of eternity for a moment. All the actions of your life, every moment comes from the state of eternity. Even the original thought of the Creator is filled with this meaning. Whether you are working while resting or resting while working, be here and now, feel everything that is happening around you. Then every moment will be filled with meaning. The people around you will feel your attention, a favorable situation in your life will come to you at the right time and in the right place. Pay your attention to each sign, because there are many of them in your life.

9. Acceptance of God, manifestation of love and dedication of one's good deeds to the universe. Accepting God as the only ideal in life, dedicating your life to the knowledge of God, love and the spiritual path. Sincere giving of valuable experience and knowledge that will help others develop, without selfish motivations to make money on it and develop a false ego.
10. Action and retribution. The belief that any perfect action brings appropriate results, hence the desire to accumulate positive results and avoid non-harmonious manifestations of the body, speech and mind, so as not to accumulate bad reasons. The belief that through faithful spiritual guidance and diligent practice, one can achieve Liberation from the bondage of earthly, mortal reality.