Равномерное раскрытие 9 энергоцентров (Самавритти)

В результате этой практики мы способствуем очищению сознания и энергопотоков, открываем 16-тимерного человека по средством раскрытия обоих каналов энергоцентров. А правильная очерёдность раскрытия энергоцентров приводит в гармонию комплекс всех вселенских энергий. Наш организм имеет 72 000  энергетических центров, которые управляются 108 энергоцентрами, они же управляются 9 энергоцентрами, которые управляются тремя основными - духовным, душевным и физическим.

Абсолютное сознание СадаШива (Шива самхита)

Ты станешь совершенно безразличным к миру.  Препятствий  не будет существовать. Ты освободишься от перерождений и от влияния добродетели и порока, наслаждаясь вечным благом абсолютного сознания. 
Для начала на рассвете выбери уединённое и благостное место для практики. Выбери правильную позу, фиксируя взор между бровями на третьем глазе:

Концентрация внутреннего звука. Медитация (Нада)

Нам необходимо прислушаться к возникающим внутренним звукам, позволяя услышанному звуку спонтанное происхождение. Техника имеет 4 осознания звука:

Abkhazia. Pitsunda, Lake Ritsa. Trips. Excursions. Tourism

Traveling not only allows us to get to know new places, but also to discover the inner world. If you are looking for unforgettable adventures and lots of impressions, we invite you to go on an amazing trip to Abkhazia!

Our tour starts in the beautiful city of Pitsunda, where we will plunge into the atmosphere of cozy seascapes and fresh air. You can enjoy the healing air of the Pitsunda pine, swim in the clear sea and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding quiet nature.


Not far from Simeiz there is Mount Cat, on it, next to the Yalta Astrophysical Observatory, there are dolmens.
Under the canopy of the relic juniper forest, several dozen dolmens are hiding. This is the largest territory of dolmens in the Crimea, covering an area of ​​about 10 hectares. It dates from 6-2 centuries BC There are about 70 dolmens located alone or in groups. Some of them quite clearly protrude above the ground, some of them are only guessed, others are completely lost among the thickets of shrubs.


Taurus hill (Temir-At mountain on the Slavensky ridge) - a high hill to the west of Roman Kosh.
On it, as local historians testify, about a hundred dolmens.
Among the oak grove there are many dolmens, which over the millennia literally entered the earth. Most without floor slabs. Some grow tall, thick trees. On this hillock, oak leaves against the blue sky shine with transparent white and resemble small crowns. This means that dolmens were not built here by chance - here is the place of power. Trees emit light. And the air rings like under a high voltage power line.


Near Oreanda there is a large accumulation of dolmens. You can get to them both from the Yalta-Sevastopol highway, and from the lower road from the Livadiya-2 stop. In total, I counted more than 40 dolmens there, oriented by angles to the north, south, east and west. They are all placed in the "grid", at the intersection of its lines.

Possible manifestations of contacts with dolmens were purposefully blocked in the middle of the 20th century by 40,000 kW power lines and a transport highway. But the possibilities of man are not limited, therefore everything is in your hands!
