In Upper Massandra there is a tract Buyuk-Sarayna. In this tract on the top of the hill located near the palace of Alexander III is another one of the many Crimean dolmens. At this object, there are currently 7 dolmens of varying degrees of conservation, but it is possible that a few more are hidden under a layer of earth. Directly above the Massandra Palace there is an exit of rock. Not reaching the entrance to the palace garden, climb a barely noticeable path up the slope of the foothills and go out to the rocks, among which paths winding and half-ruined stone steps are visible ...


At the foot of Ayu-Dag Mountain, surrounded on all sides by vineyards, there is a ridge called Toha Dakhyr.
At the highest point of this ridge are dolmens.

Possible manifestations of contact with the dolmen spirit are manifested in the energies of inspiration and purification.

Coordinates: 44°34'00.0"N 34°18'49.0"E


Near the village of Gaspra (Big Yalta) there are several surviving dolmens.
Finding dolmens is quite simple - near the Oreanda-Gaspra road. From the route that you will go after visiting the Swallow’s Nest, you need to get off onto the Solar Path, everywhere along it there is a sign "Solar Path". Go down the stairs. Walk along it for some distance. Go through the tunnel. When you see yellow iron awnings in the form of mushrooms, close to them you need to turn to the side.


Dolmen is located in the courtyard of house number 101 on the street. Gowena in Simferopol. Earlier, a metal door was installed at the entrance of the dolmen.


The first barrow is integral and the dolmen is inside. The second mound is captured in a photo of the summer period, only the dolmen wall is preserved there. The third mound was completely cleared and all the walls of the dolmen in winter photographs were preserved. Of course, the Scythian mounds built on dolmens played their role of grounding work with dolmens, but two of the three mounds located not casual along one line were opened and interaction with spirits in dolmens was restored.


Near the village of Mramornoye, not far from the stone quarry, there are a couple of dozen dolmens. They are located in a certain sequence along the longitudinal and transverse lines in the direction from the northeast to the southwest and from the southeast to the northwest. A very powerful energetically saturated place. And despite the fact that most dolmens are destroyed, the intersection points of the lines in which they are active to this day. It is worth noting that staying in this area and interacting with dolmens may work as an assembly point.


Simferopol district, village Druzhnoe Mesto surprises with its open spaces and unconditional silence in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Being far from the village there is calm and silence. If you listen to the inner sensation, then this is one of the few places where there is no noise "hum" of the earth and vibrations of energy-information fields. Particular attention should be paid to one of the dolmens located at the very end of the trail near the beam. Being near him you experience a state of poise, goodness and calm.
