The first barrow is integral and the dolmen is inside. The second mound is captured in a photo of the summer period, only the dolmen wall is preserved there. The third mound was completely cleared and all the walls of the dolmen in winter photographs were preserved. Of course, the Scythian mounds built on dolmens played their role of grounding work with dolmens, but two of the three mounds located not casual along one line were opened and interaction with spirits in dolmens was restored.

Take the trolleybus number 1 at the railway station and go to the Pionerskaya 1 stop (behind Simferopol). At the bus stop, cross the road and cross the river bridge. Go forward a little and turn right up. There will immediately be a mound. Inside the barrow is a dolmen.
Through the mound, a road went down the village (there is a second one to the village). And go along the road uphill (past the village), after 0.5 km on the right side there will be open dolmens.
At the Pionerskoye-1 trolleybus stop, cross the Salgir River over the bridge and climb up the road, turn right and walk along the road to the nearest highest point on the hill, overlooking the whole valley. Climbing the hill to follow the road along the forest plantation. After a few hundred meters, the road bifurcates - go right, to a small farm in the valley.
The dolmen is much larger than usual, there was a red ocher on the walls, which was applied to some kind of ornament, almost indistinguishable.
Dolmen was discovered by a local tractor driver. He twisted the plate with a harrow, and with it one of the side plates. And after that he moved the side plate with a tractor. From this on the plate there were traces of moving and ocher deposited on its surface crumbled.

Coordinates:44°53'20.5"N 34°12'50.5"E